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Ear Wax Removal
Using gentle suction we'll remove excessive or troublesome ear wax leaving your ear canal free from blockages.
Key Benefits
Free yourself from impacted ear wax
Build ups of wax can cause earache, Itching, dizziness, ringing in the ears and even cough.
Safe and effective treatment
Microsuction is the preferred method of ear wax removal by Ear Nose Throat consultants
Get your hearing back
Return to full hearing and rediscover clear sound.
How it works
Our procedure includes up to 30 minutes of microsuction, which removes the build up of wax. How often you should have your ears cleaned depends upon individuals' needs. The majority of our clients have ear wax microsuction on a regular basis. We have clients who undergo ear wax removal every 3-6 months, while others have microscution once a year.
Our Clients Say
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